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Just atau Only?

Just atau Only? 1. Just Just memiliki dua arti, yaitu "baru saja" dan "hanya" tergantung konteks kalimatnya. e.g :  - I just did the laundry = aku baru saja mencuci baju - I just did the lauundry, i didn't do the dishes = aku cuma mencuci baju, tidak mencuci piring. 2. Only  Only memiliki arti "hanya" e.g : I only have two apples for breakfast

Classmeeting 2018

   Classmeeting have done in Senior High School 1 Tumijajar. There were some competition which held in this chance, such as Football Competition, Smansa Warior, Tarik Tambang and Volley Ball. The purpose of classmeeting were to increase solidarity and sportivity between classes in our school. We had some winners from the competition that we held in four days. Starting from 10th - 14th December 2018. Here are the winners of Classmeeting 2018. 1. Football a. 1st winner   : 12 Social 1 b. 2nd winner  : 11 Social 5 c. 3rd winner   : 11 Social 2 2. Tarik Tambang a. 1st winner    : 12 Science 1 b. 2nd winner   : 10 Science 4 c. 3rd winner    : 10 Science 6 3. Smansa Warior a. 1st winner    : 10 Science 2 b. 2nd winner   : 12 Science 2 c. 3rd winner    : 12 Social 1 4.Volley Ball a. 1st winner    : 11 Social 3 b. 2nd winner   : 12 Social 4 c. 3rd winner    : 10 Sc...

Vocabulary : Informal Contractions

Hello, English Paradise is back! we will use semi english in our posts. So you guys can understand well. Informal contractions adalah bentuk singkatan dari beberapa kata. Bentuk –bentuk singkat seperti ini biasanya digunakan pada saat berbicara ntuk memudahkan pengucapan serta memperlancarkan pembicaraan. Berikut adalah contoh Informal contractions dalam bahasa Inggris : Gotta    : go to Gonna  : going to Needa   : need to Wanna  : want to Hafta    : have to Hasta    : has to Gimme  : give me Lemme  : let me Kinda     : Kind of Outta     : out of Cuppa    : cup of Examples : 1.  I'm gonna (going to) school this morning. 2.  Lemme (let me) be my self. 3.  I needa ( need a) book to do my assigment. sc      : Englishforallid edited : DES

FYI : I wish, I hope

Masih bingung dengan perbedaan wish dan hope? Sama-sama berarti harapan, tetapi 2 kata ini harus digunakan dalam hal dan kondisi yang berbeda Wish artinya harapan pada sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak mungkin terjadi, contohnya : I wish you were him (Aku berharap kamu adalah dia) Hope berarti harapan yang mungkin bisa terjadi, misalnya : I hope you will be the winner (Aku berharap kamu menjadi pemenang) Sudah tahu kan? :)))

Phrases : When is The Deadline?

When is The Deadline? (Phrases) Hi readers! Tomorrow is Monday. Do you have a deadline on monday? We are gonna look at a few expressions you will always encountering your work or study. 1.Deadline    A time or day by which something must be done.It is just like a line, and if you cross it (which means you’re late) you’ll face punishment. E.g : The deadline of proposal is on Monday. 2.Be Due    I bet you hearthis all the time ; the project / assigment / paper is due next Monday. This is mean that you need to finish the project / assignment / paper by next Monday and turn it in by that time. 3.Workload    This word is for the amount of work to be done, and it can be used like this: ·   Workload of this course is really heavy. We have ten books to read in this semester. ·   Because of this heavy workload,our president canceled the trip. Pic       : depositphotos Sc   ...

Grammar : Present Continuous (sedang)

Present Continuous Hello, how your sunday is going on? Have you enjoyed it? Today we'd learn about Present Continuous to completed your sunday.  Function : Present continuous tense is used for actions are happening or for an action that is unfinished (sedang dilakukan) (+) S + is/are/am +  O (-)  S + is/are/am + not +  + O (?) Is/are/am + S +  + O Am : I Is    : She, He, Dhita, Father Are : We, They, You Example : (+) She is drinking milk ( -) She is not drinking milk (? ) Is she drinking milk? (+)    I am calling your name ( -) I am not calling you name ( ?) Am I calling you name? (+) They are laughing together (- ) They are not laughing together (? ) Are they laughing together? sc pic :

Expressions : Do you have smart friend?

Hello, good evening everyone. I have a question for you. Do you have smart friend? or Are you a smart person? Here are some expressions that you can use to say someone is smart including you. Expressions : Ways to say someone is smart ·           He’s really sharp ·          She’s brilliant ·          He’s very bright ·          She’s a genius ·          He’s a smart cookie ssc pic :

Adj : Taste and Texture

Aloha, Friday is nice day! We have some tastes and textures adjectives. Here are some adjectives that you can see to express tastes and textures. No English Indonesian 1 Acidic Asam 2 Bitter Pahit 3 Burnt Gosong 4 Chewy Kenyal 5 Chrispy Renyah 6 Crunchy Garing 7 Fatty Berlemak 8 Fizzy Bersoda 9 Greasy Berminyak 10 Juicy Berair 11 Melt Meleleh 12 Milky Terasa susu 13 Minty Terasa mint 14 Moist Lembut 15 Overripe Terlalu matang 16 Plain Tawar 17 Runny Berair 18 Savory Gurih 19 Soggy Lembek 20 Sticky Lengket 21 Wilt Layu

Slang : BAE

Hello guys! Did you know about slang in English? Slang adalah kata - kata gaul yang biasa dipakai dalam percakapan sehari - hari. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh slang dalam english. Slang : BAE BAE sering ditulis dengan huruf awal kapital dan dua huruf kecil, seperti “Bae”. Itu adalah hal yang kurang tepat. Karena “BAE” adalah singkatan “Before Anyone Else”. Jadi, jika kita memiliki sahabat atau seseorang yang kamu dahulukan sebelum orang lain, kamu bisa menggunakan ini sebagai panggilan. Sr : englishforid

Phrases : Are u a people person?

-          Hello guys, we hope you never missed for our updated today. Here are new phrases for you! :))        People person This is kind of people who are friendly, warm and kind to strangers and people from all walks of life. They always have a lot of friends and people like them. -           People pleaser A people pleaser is one of nicest and most helpful people you know. They never say “No”. You can always count on them for a favor. Sounds tiring to be a person like this, right? So guys, are you a people pleaser? Or maybe a people person? Or even neither? cr   : Udictionary edit : des

Grammar : Simple Present Tense

Hello readers!  How’s today going on? Hoping you all always in happy condition. Today we will learn a simple grammar for a daily conversation, here is it! Grammar : Simple Present Tense (+ ) S + V1 + s/es + O ( - ) S + do/does + not + V1 + O ( ? ) Do/does + S + V1 + O?                                Do     = I, you, they, we, father and mother Does = She, he, it, father Fuction of simple present tense :  To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions, and wishes. Example : 1.(+) I go to market every sunday.    ( -) I do not go to market every sunday.    (?) Do I go to market every sunday? 2.(+) Rina watches movie in her bedroom.    (- )  Rina does not watch movie in her bedroom. ...

ways to say food tastes good!

Hello good afternoon everyone! This is our first post on this blog. Hope u'll like it. And, here are some ways to say food tastes good that you can use when you eat delicious food in your daily life. It's tasty! It's yummy! It's delish! It's delicious! It's luscious!