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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Just atau Only?

Just atau Only? 1. Just Just memiliki dua arti, yaitu "baru saja" dan "hanya" tergantung konteks kalimatnya. e.g :  - I just did the laundry = aku baru saja mencuci baju - I just did the lauundry, i didn't do the dishes = aku cuma mencuci baju, tidak mencuci piring. 2. Only  Only memiliki arti "hanya" e.g : I only have two apples for breakfast

Classmeeting 2018

   Classmeeting have done in Senior High School 1 Tumijajar. There were some competition which held in this chance, such as Football Competition, Smansa Warior, Tarik Tambang and Volley Ball. The purpose of classmeeting were to increase solidarity and sportivity between classes in our school. We had some winners from the competition that we held in four days. Starting from 10th - 14th December 2018. Here are the winners of Classmeeting 2018. 1. Football a. 1st winner   : 12 Social 1 b. 2nd winner  : 11 Social 5 c. 3rd winner   : 11 Social 2 2. Tarik Tambang a. 1st winner    : 12 Science 1 b. 2nd winner   : 10 Science 4 c. 3rd winner    : 10 Science 6 3. Smansa Warior a. 1st winner    : 10 Science 2 b. 2nd winner   : 12 Science 2 c. 3rd winner    : 12 Social 1 4.Volley Ball a. 1st winner    : 11 Social 3 b. 2nd winner   : 12 Social 4 c. 3rd winner    : 10 Sc...