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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2019



What's wrong with tree?

As tropical country, Indonesia has many trees. But, in several time, there are unresponsible people who cut down trees. It will give big impact for our environment such as global warming, flood and erosion. If we can save the trees in our enviromment it will make clear air for our breath. We can save trees start with little things such planting trees around house and school.  But, did u know what is the part of trees in English, here we go! No  English Indonesian 1 Bark Kulit pohon 2 Branch Cabang 3 Bud Tunas 4 Crown Bagian atas pohon 5 Foliage Dedaunan 6 Fruit Buah 7 Leave Daun 8 Limb Dahan 9 Log / stem Batang kayu 10 Root Akar 11 Seed Biji 12 Wood Kayu 13 Rood hairs Rambut akar Thank you for ur visit, don't forg...